Monday, December 12, 2011

Fields of gold

A glimpse of sun light

Trials and tribulations are a must in life,.I have learned. They not only build character but they help you appreciate what is truly important. Now that I live a clean and sober life,.I see things so differently now. What was once hopeless is now a promise. If I told you temptation was dead, I would be lying to you. However, the stronger God makes you, and the more you believe in yourself... It becomes easier to steer your life in the direction of hope, power, and, happiness...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I can do nothing without HIM

Lessons learned

Its hard for people to say they understand you if they have never walked a mile in your shoes, or down your path for that matter. Most lessons are learned thru sheer experience.

My experience as a former drug addict really gave me a new perspective on life. Although I would never want to go thru those dark times in my life again, I can say those experiences helped to make me who I am today. 

I can remember feeling lost, confused, and most importantly ALONE. I actually told myself that being intoxicated would help me cope with the emptiness I felt inside. After almost losing everything including my self respect, I finally learned that it was my own thoughts and actions that were toxic; not my abusers or past hurts.

It took for that veil to be removed from my eyes too see the good qualities that were in me, and the constant blessings God was sharing with me. I'm not saying that all is perfect now; However I am saying that I am on the road to serenity.

Lessons learned....