Friday, August 22, 2014

Life After the storm

Today I choose to be clean and sober, today I choose to love my life and myself. Today ....

During my addiction I couldn't see a silver lining, all I could see is the pain from my past, the hurt in my heart, and pain that was to come. I couldn't see any happiness in the future at all. In my eyes, Heroin was the remedy to all of my issues. It kept me numb from feeling anything and it put all of those issues on the back burner. In the beginning I thought heroin was just something added to my life. It wasn't until I was so addicted to it that I realized it wasn't added to my life, it became the focus of my entire life. It took over any goals I had, any motivation I needed to succeed. I allowed this daily cycle to continue until one day I realized that it was stealing my future one day at a time. If I was going to be a real mother to my kids, a good wife to my husband, and a strong person for myself I needed to walk away from heroin. It was the hardest thing I ever had to walk away from, the hardest thing I ever left behind. Once I got clean, I began to see a silver lining in my life. I began to have goals Once again and see my future brighter. There is sunshine and brighter days after an addiction, you just have to believe. 

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