So today it has been 24 hours since I had my last cigarette. I've been using the Nicorette Patch. I have to admit it fell off while I was at the beach today, and even tho temptation was there; I stood strong and didn't give in. I've been smoking since I was 12 years old and in the last 10 years smoking a pack or 2 per day. So to just quit like this is definitely a major accomplishment. I'm very proud of myself, even tho its only been a day, I feel like this was the hardest day and hopefully it only gets easier the more I resist temptation. I just couldn't live with the thought of getting cancer or some other illness/disease because of my smoking habit, and leaving my children here without me. They are my life and have been asking me to do this for years, I just never had the will power; or at least I thought I didn't. So as I lay my head down this evening and go for day 2, I can honestly say the thought of inhaling cigarette smoke isn't as appealing to me as it was a day ago; if that makes any sense :-)